Tuesday, 4 September 2012

M27 Junction 3a

Too many local people are unaware of this excellent local transport interchange. It cuts journey times and routes motorists through quiet local roads avoiding queues at the better-known junctions 3, 4 and 5. You can even pick up a Costa or MacDonalds and get petrol on your way through.

Junction 3a is managed by Roadchef with support from Hampshire County Council and the Highways Agency.

Getting Here

Junction 3a is located off Rownhams Lane. Don't be put off by the lack of road signs or your satnav telling you to turn around. The westbound access slip is located just south of the M27 bridge and you can head eastbound via the access road just to the north of the bridge. 

Junction 3a is not yet signed from the M27 either. You have to take the exit for Rownhams Services and head for the coach park. So handy when the M27 is bumper-to-bumper and you need an escape route via local villages.

Turn off Rownhams Lane, ignore out-of-date signs

You are an authorised vehicle, carry on...

Mind the coach party - J3a is a tourist attraction

And you're on the M27... happy days


A cycle path runs the length of Rownhams Lane and this crosses Junction 3a's sliproads. Imbecile cyclists keep getting in the way of the motorway traffic passing through here. Here's a couple from the 2010 police database at the eastbound access:

Crash Date: Wednesday, October 06, 2010 
Time of Crash: 8:10:00 AM 
Crash Reference: 22532114
Number of Vehicles: 2 Number of Casualties: 1
Vehicles involved:
1 Goods vehicle 3.5 tonnes mgw and under Male 16 - 24 Vehicle is in the act of turning right
2 Pedal cycle Male 0 - 15 Vehicle proceeding normally along the carriageway, not on a bend

Crash Date: Thursday, October 21, 2010 
Time of Crash: 8:45:00 AM 
Crash Reference: 22651576
Number of Vehicles: 2 Number of Casualties: 1
Vehicles involved
1 Car (excluding private hire cars 2005 onwards) Female Unknown Vehicle is slowing down or stopping
2 Pedal cycle Male 0 - 15 Vehicle proceeding normally along the carriageway, not on a bend

The problem was the pushbikes thinking they had right of way across a minor access road! Of all things.  Where do they think they are, Holland? Reckon it's lazy kids late for school. I blame the parents, can't they drive the kids like everyone else? I bet they tried a "where-theres-blame-theres-a-claim" against Roadchef and the HA and got a payout. Call social services.

Anyway, Hampshire County Council in their quest to encourage use of junction 3a have just painted "toy town" give-way signs so that the bl**dy cyclists know their place and have to stop to let the important motorists blast from the M27 onto the fast local village roads. Ha ha ha that'll really wind up those eco warriors!!!!

Westbound access: cyclists have priority

Eastbound access: Since summer 2012, M27 traffic has priority :)

So be assured that you do not have to give way to cyclists going straight on here. Just turn and let them look after themselves.


In theory this junction should not exist. Roadchef is required to keep barriers in place and the Highways Agency should enforce this. But ingenious local "voluntary engineers" ensure that the barriers are kept in a state of disrepair for the benefit of motorists. Everyone else turns a blind eye.

Barrier ingeniously modified for motorists' benefit

There is a camera monitoring traffic movements but it's not switched on. We've never heard of anyone being penalised for using this nifty shortcut. Roadchef welcomes the extra custom, the Highways Agency don't seem to care and Hampshire County Council are actually working to improve access to the junction.

The only people that might put up some aggro are local people fed up with the extra traffic and cyclists who have to look out or they'll be in hospital but, hey, they can't fine you can they.


Currently only the eastbound side of M27 junction 3a is open to general traffic. The barrier on the westbound slip is awaiting disrepair. Watch this blog: we'll keep you updated when things change.


  1. You're a fcuking joker aren't you! Maybe I should warn the Police of your illegal actions.

  2. i've seen the unmarked police BMW pull over users before - BEWARE

  3. I've already sent the police a link to this site, but feel free to tell more coppers. Would be great to have the boys in blue using J3A.

    Police have no powers to stop you using J3A. What law exactly are drivers breaking? This is private property so a civil matter. And anyway police should not be wasting public money on this when it's Roadchef's responsibility to ensure through traffic does not use the access road.

    PS. Look up "satire" in the dictionary.

  4. Then why don't you contact Roadchef regarding your serious concerns. You clearly have nothing better to do with your time so you would be doing the public a service which wouldn't be wasting public money.

  5. Roadchef has been contacted multiple times by multiple people and organisations and they do make some feeble attempt to close barrier but it's never long until it's open again. So ... if you can't beat them, join them.

  6. If “Anonymous” and “Anonymous” (funny how, all the way back to Hans Christian Andersen and the Brothers Grimm, trolls don’t have names) had viewed your video, they might have noticed the shadows cast by the sun – of the handlebars of a bicycle!

    Presumably, the Hampshire Plod might not be able to action them for a road traffic violation, but if they caught whoever trashed the barrier, they could do them for criminal damage?

    1. Paul: It's not a bicycle, it's a zimmer frame. Have taken the video down for now so that I can edit it for inclusion in the next blog post...

  7. From FixMyStreet:
    I've had replies from both Hants CC and the Highways Agency. Both are going to contact Road Chef-hopefully putting pressure on to get it sorted. I'll pass on any developments.

  8. Seriously though do you not have a life at all, no family to love you or anything. I'd be sad when the day comes when I need to set up a blog to complain about silly/stupid issues such as these when there are bigged worries going in the the world and in this country.
    I just hope whatever action Roadchef take gives you that little warm feeling of satisfaction you so clearly desire.

    1. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment.

      Already three people injured, one serious? Probably more unreported. Not silly or stupid issue especially since it should be so easy to fix. So many people have persisted reporting/complaining via official channels. That's a bigger waste of time.

    2. Its interesting the total disrepair is this site continues through 2012,2013 and now into 2014. Roadchief have a responsibillity under the planning permission to erect and maintain the no entry signs. Also under the health and safety at work act to have a safe site. That includes traffic movement/ Pedestrian movement, and electrical safety checks. I wonder if they can produce a test certificate for those broken signs with wires hanging out. I have seen fencing lorries, scaffolding lorries. and ques of atleast 4 cars trying to leave the site. Test Valley Bourough Council reply to complaints telling local residents to contact Roadchef.

      The risk to all users of Rownhams Lane is unacceptable.

  9. Here's an excellent article on side roads and cycle lanes.


  10. An interesting 'tongue in cheek' account. thanks for taking the time to do this,

    It sounds as though ‘secret’ access roads are the bain of many people across the nation:
    See http://motorwayservicesonline.co.uk/Rear_Access

    Myself and a few others are in the process of kicking up a fuss about motorists abusing this access point. Hampshire highways...
    will shortly be receiving a fair few issues being logged.
    Please show your support if you can. ta

  11. I meant to post this over here to reach a wider audience.

